Monday, 9 September 2013

Well things here have been a little slower.

Miss 8 hasn't been able to do any gymnastics as she had some soft tissue damage to her foot, but will be back at it again tomorrow.

Hubby bought me this gorgeous necklace for my birthday

He also made me breakfast :)

Got my sinchies order in the mail and must say they are wonderful things and the kids love them best part for me is I can use them over and over again with homemade custards and yoghurts.

hubby decided he wanted pizza for dinner Saturday night so I got creative and made some stuffed crust pizzas

More biscuits yet again, decided to make something a little different this time and made snicker doodles but instead of just rolling in cinnamon sugar I did a mix of 100s and 1000s, rainbow sprinkles and added choc chips to what was left.

Have more things to make today so best get to it before the days gone and I have achieved nothing.

Hope everyone has a lovely day :)

Friday, 30 August 2013

Sorry I've been m.i.a lately, things have been so busy here the past few weeks, I've had the 2 little ones sick with ear infections, then the whole house came down with a cold, thankfully everyone healthy once again and back to normal. :)

Miss 8 had her gymnastics competition she had a blast and did really well with her routines, I'm so proud of her!

We were running low on food a few days before shopping day so I made the kids some cheese and vegemite scrolls, the kids ate them but miss 8 informs me they were too vegemity lol.

Never had fudge before so thought I'd give it a try, made some choc peppermint fudge as anything with peppermint in it is a winner for me lol but I'm not a big fan of fudge so probably wont make it again unless its for gifts.

Hubbys been doing his security course which means travelling to and from Lincoln twice a day for me as he hasnt got his drivers licence yet but yesterday on a miserable looking morning we were greeted with this beautiful double rainbow.
Today is Hubbys last day then we have to wait 2 weeks for his certificate to come back so he can finally apply for his security licence again, we've been trying to get it for the past 4 years as he was a security guard in Tasmania.

Strawberries were on special last week to I bought 4 punnets and made up some real strawberry jam, even miss 8 took some on her lunch today and she doesnt eat strawberries so I figure cant taste too bad, I found it a bit sweet but a little bit was nice on some scones with a bit of cream.

After making the jam I found mums recipe book and made some scones, not very often I made scones without cream and lemonade but I didnt have any lemonade so made some old fashion ones :) they turned out wonderfully light. I think I'll keep the recipe handy as the kids liked them so much I had to hide half the batch.

The kids had also run out of biscuits and miss 8 asked if I could make yoyos this time so got busy and made a double batch, they didnt last long either.


180g Butter
60g Icing Sugar
60g Custard Powder
180g Plain Flour

Cream butter and sugar, add custard powder and flour, mix well.
Roll into balls (about a teaspoonful of mixture) and press with a fork, you may need to dip fork in a little flour or custard powder to stop it from sticking in the biscuits.
Bake on 160C - 180C Depending on your oven for about 10 - 12 minuts or until lightly golden.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

OMG its taken me so long to get on here, seems like so much has been going on but getting nowhere at all.

Miss 2 is now Miss 3 as of the 20th, she started toilet training and there's been no looking back since, had a few accidents the first few days but nothing since which is grand. Now shes only in nappies and night. :)

Miss 8 has had some extra gymnastics training getting ready for the competition in Port Lincoln next month.

For me its just been cooking as usual.

Sausuage rolls that even the kids liked

Traditional Cornish Pasties

Meat Pies, 2 with cheese on top and party pies

Lemonade Scones

Yiros Bread

Yiros Bread
1 cup warm water
2 tsp yeast
2 1/2 to 3 cups of flour
2 tsp salt
1 Tbs olive oil

Mix all ingredients into a dough and place in a warm spot for 1hr.
Cut into 6 - 8 pieces depending on how large you want your bread. 
Roll into flat rounds and cook in a dry fry pan on a med to high heat. 
Cook for approx 30 seconds on each side or until nice and golden and bubbles form.

This is one of my favourite recipes for a wrap, its nice and chewy and is perfect for a yiros or kebab.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

In holiday mode still at our house, miss 8 is finally home so been spending time with her and doing a little cooking.

Since shes been home she helped peel and chop about 3 kg of apples, some of which i sliced for the dehydrator, the rest was cooked down for a yummy apple crumble pie, the left overs where then cooked longer and pureed to make apple fruit roll, miss 8s favourite :)

I also got her busy making rolling pasta for dinner monday night, we had pasta again last night but hubby took over the rolling :) he's not much of a cook but I think he just hasnt had the right teacher as the few things he does cook are delicious :)

I got sick of plain ole toast for breakfast so make a loaf of raisin bread using my hot cross bun recipe, wasnt as soft as I'd like but worked out nicely for toast, now I'm off to make some pasties with homemade short crust pastry, hopefully they turn out.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Its been rather quiet around here with miss 8 away on holidays, she comes back Saturday, cant wait to have her home.

Before she went away we made some pizza for dinner.

Have been craving some fresh hot bread so got busy and made a small loaf that didnt last long, think I may have to get a new recipe for a large loaf.

Had to make some Calendula Salve for the girls eczema

Started making yoghurt again, so have some yummy thick greek yoghurt, think I might use the whey in my next batch of crumpets.

Made a small batch of cinnamon scrolls for morning tea, dont make them very often but they were very nice, you just cant beat fresh homemade baked goods. :)

Miss 8 got some photos back from gymnastics and I love them, she really is very clever.

Monday, 1 July 2013

A Busy Weekend

Orange Cleaner
Banana cake one with walnuts

Lemon Meringue Pie

Spring Rolls


 Chinese BBQ Pork

 Chicken Stock

I ended up with 7 cups :)

 Pumpkin, ham and cheese scrolls

Melting Moments

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Can I just say I'm not a fan of winter! It feels so cold in this old house, its been that cold that I've been having to wear 2 pairs of socks and so many layers its hard to move, was complaining about the cold to my lovely sister the other day and she just laughed as what I think is cold is summer weather in Ireland, poor love shes been over there for almost 9 years now.

Have been so slack since its been cold as well, haven't even looked at sorting my spare room out, not really sure where to start, but I need to get to it so I can start packing some stuff up ready for our move at the end of the year.

I've been so bad that I've even been using disposable nappies on the little man instead of the mcn's but i got them all washed up and folded next to the change table now so I really have no excuses. Sadly miss 3 still uses disposables for the moment, waiting on the weather to warm up so I can start toilet training her.

I have however managed to get my grapes ready for the dehydrator, they will sit in the laundry for a few days to dry out a bit before I turn it on, by then the kids will probably need more fruit leather and dried apple and banana, miss 8 might even like some pineapple.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Haven't been here for a while its just been one of those weeks, feel like I have achieved nothing but I'm sure I did something.

Between being sick, miss almost 3 working out how to open the child gate on her room and master 18 months learning how to climb out of his cot its been exhausting, not keen on the 6.30am wake ups.

Best thing about being sick and winter is yummy hot fresh bread and homemade soup. Pumpkins soup and natural yoghurt one of my favourite soups.

So this week I got busy and made some laundry powder, now that I've got given a spare food processor I'll be able to make a big batch and no more grating soap by hand.

I got busy cooking and made more crumpets, have found another recipe to try out on the weekend thanks to my lovely cousin Tania.

Hubby took me out for dinner Monday night as we've been together 4 years, feels like we've know each other a lot longer than that though, lots more years yet to enjoy each others company though :)

Made some yummy homemade pasta for dinner Tuesday night, diced up some chicken and bacon, rehydrated some mushrooms I had dried a few weeks ago and added some garlic and evaporated milk to make a chicken and mushroom creamy pasta.

Today I made another batch of biscuits for the ferals and tried making some short bread, jelly slice and caramel slice, although I think my caramel slice was a bit of a fail.

This week I dug out some apples from the fridge since the kids haven't been eating them so I dehydrated about a kilo of apples, still have another kilo to go, also foodland had bananas out on special for $2 a kilo so grabbed a few and dehydrated half, a few more snacks for the kids, next time will be more apple and a couple trays of fruit roll as they are nearly at the end of the last lot I did.