Friday, 31 October 2014

Slowly getting back into the frugal swing of things

Got to spend some quality time one on one with my little man so decided to make a cake

The newest member of our family Little Miss Bella, had nothing organised for her so used one of the kids old rugs and a cot pillow and made her a bed and a chew toy

Attempted some fruit filled cereal bars, they are yummy but went a bit soft after a day so think I need to modify the recipe a little or even try a new one.

Found an awesome recipe for honey biscuits that tastes very much like tiny teddies and have been busy making them for the kids, they love them and I get a chance to use all my awesome cookies cutters.

Homemade tomato sauce you just cant beat it, yum!

More bread

While apples were cheap I grabbed a few kilos and dried most of them not that they last long around the ferals, they love them.

Tried making cheese and bacon crackers but the kids weren't very keen on them so I think I'll just stick to the cheese crackers from now on

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Making Bread

Thought I'd get the kids involved more in their lunches so we decided to make bread rolls, they had a ball and ate all their lunch without any complains. The rolls were lovely and soft I even made myself a small one for lunch.


After wasting all the left over mashed potato that noone would eat I decided to make some amish potato rolls, they were nice and soft, hubby wasnt a fan though as they were sweet but they went well with dinner and the rest are in the freezer for school lunches, while I was making these I decided to make a loaf of bread as we were out and I try to use what I have instead of going to the shop. Sadly I think I over did the rolls a little but they were still nice. I have since been saving the mashed potato and might dig out my mothers recipe book as I'm pretty sure she has a yummy recipe for a cake using mashed potato with a crumble topping, cant really go wrong with a crumble. :)

Monday, 29 September 2014

Still here

Sorry I havent posted anything in so long things have been a little all over the place here lately with trips to and from lincoln and whyalla.
I havent been very frugal lately with anything even cooking has slowed but I'm getting back into it because I need to start saving to buy a car, my poor thing is not doing so well atm think its time to retire her to just around town, any frugal ideas and ways to save are most welcome. :)
Have veggie gardens nearly ready and seeds on the go, only after a few to help save atm next year I need to be more organised and have things set up during winter ready for the warming weather. Well I best get back to it take care all xxoo

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

A few Pics of my week

Some passionfruit that was given to me by a friend which I turned into 3 jars of passionfruit curd, one for me, one for my friend and one for the lady who grew the passionfruit :)

Making Yiros breads and marinated some chicken for a yummy yiros at home.

Homemade Icecream, yummy and with the left over egg whites a nice pavlova.


Been busy making bread every couple of days, made a nice seeded loaf but forgot to take a picture, maybe next time.

Made some scones for miss 9 for school lunch and the 2 little ferals and myself had some at home for morning tea.

Thats been about my week just trying to take things easy as master 2 has been unwell and not sleeping properly but he's getting better slowly.
I have managed to unpack a few more boxes, still have a pile in the corner but its slowly getting there.
Thats it for now so till next time take care :)

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Slowly Getting There!

Things are slowly coming together now we are in Ceduna, however things seem far from simple atm.

I'm still in the process of unpacking boxes and working out ways to save money as things are so expensive here, as we got rid of alot of our furniture we are using basics to get by but i so cant wait till I get a decent table to sit at.

I've been doing a lot of baking, had a birthday lunch for miss lala who is now 4 and made most of the food myself rather than buying things full of god only knows what, I have also been doing a lot of other baking that poor hubby and kids have been missing out on as most of it was for people who have been asking me to make stuff for them, have a lot of cooking to do tomorrow and Tuesday but that will be the last order of food I'll be cooking until I get all these boxes out of the way.

Hopefully once the house is sorted we can work on the yard, worse part is the yard is full of calthrop, so its gonna be fun trying to get rid of alot of that. Also need to start thinking about building a chicken coop as I have 3 chickens to pick up before christmas.

Veggie gardens not going to be as easy as I had hoped as the ground is so hard and dry so im thinking of making raised beds instead.

Well enough from me for now, here are some of the things I have been busy doing :)

 Cinnamon Scrolls

 Lala's Birthday Cakes

Carrot Cakes 

Sausage Rolls and Pasties


 Tomato Sauce

Nannas Sultana Cake and Choc Chip Cookies

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Just A Quick Check In

Wow times gone so fast, I have been busy trying to pack as much as possible and get rid of the stuff we dont need.
I have boxes everywhere some that need going through others that are already packed.
I have also been stuck home with 3 sick kids so that has put things on hold atm but will get back into is soon as only have 3 weeks left and then the move happens.
Looking forward to being around family again. :)

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Its been ever since I've posted anything, sorry but things around here have not been so simple of late.

We've moved town and getting settled in but will be on the move again at the end of the year.
After nearly 5 years away we've decided to go back home to Ceduna so we can be closer to family, making this move will mean a big adjustment financially as prices of housing and food is more than we are currently used to but with careful planning I'm sure it'll all work out.
Will be nice to have the family support so close :)

Will get back on in the near future and post about what I've been up to around here, till then take care.