Sunday, 26 July 2015

Still trying to get back into old habits, been a bit of a struggle with the cold weather and hubby at home with a bad back so Doctors again tomorrow, hopefully they'll send him to a physio or tell us the best way to fix it so we can get him back to work because he's going stir crazy as am I.

Hopefully within the next couple of weeks I can get posts put in outside and put up a fenced area for the kids and dog to go out and play, then I'll be able to use the dogs pen for chickens, be nice to get fresh eggs.

Will need to get onto some decent soil for the vegetable garden I want to put in as our soil is hard as rock and the places that arent are very clay like so am thinking of paying to bring some soil in, going to get the kids involved so hopefully the 2 little ones with start eating more veg, mainly miss 5 as I stuggle to get her to eat any sort of veg.

Slab of Vanilla Slice using homemade puff pastry

New clothes for the Bellini :)

Vanilla Essence steeping, will be ready in about 6 weeks

Honey Jumbles

Chicken and Mushroom pasta, our go to simple cheap meal

Miss 5's Birthday Cake

I'm not much of a cake decorator and struggle piping because of carpal tunnel syndrome

Thankfully Miss 5 was still rather impressed as were the guests

See you all again soon, have a great day and take care xx

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Back into it :)

I know its been so long I've been struggling a bit with depression and back and for to Adelaide and Port Lincoln for appointment and operations.
But I'm slowly getting back into the simple things so will be back to spend more time blogging and hopefully cooking.

This is a label maker I received in the mail to review and I think its awesome no more buying labels for kids containers.

Chocolate Lava cake I made for miss 10 and myself for dessert it turned out beautifully, was so impressed with myself as was miss 10 lol.

Back into baking bread every couple of days again, so much happier with it now I have my new large bread tins, makes it easier for me to cut and fits better in lunch boxes. 

I use the same recipe and made dinner rolls to take to a family bbq

Fresh baguettes to be turned into garlic bread, everyone loves it so I'm thankful I dont have to buy it anymore.

Sweet finger buns made for the kids, took half to my brothers and they disappeared within seconds

Yummy homemade kingstons, been a while since making these might put back on my to do list

Went to a group for women to do crafts, cooking etc and I got to make a candle for myself, smells gorgeous

Made scones with miss 4

She gives her grin of approval

Bacon and cheese rolls made for school lunches

Homemade vanilla paste

Beesting buns

Got a heap of reduced cream that I turned into butter and buttermilk.

Will leave it there for now but I will be back again some time later in the week :)
Take care