Wednesday 26 June 2013

Can I just say I'm not a fan of winter! It feels so cold in this old house, its been that cold that I've been having to wear 2 pairs of socks and so many layers its hard to move, was complaining about the cold to my lovely sister the other day and she just laughed as what I think is cold is summer weather in Ireland, poor love shes been over there for almost 9 years now.

Have been so slack since its been cold as well, haven't even looked at sorting my spare room out, not really sure where to start, but I need to get to it so I can start packing some stuff up ready for our move at the end of the year.

I've been so bad that I've even been using disposable nappies on the little man instead of the mcn's but i got them all washed up and folded next to the change table now so I really have no excuses. Sadly miss 3 still uses disposables for the moment, waiting on the weather to warm up so I can start toilet training her.

I have however managed to get my grapes ready for the dehydrator, they will sit in the laundry for a few days to dry out a bit before I turn it on, by then the kids will probably need more fruit leather and dried apple and banana, miss 8 might even like some pineapple.


  1. I am not a fan of Winter either. I would prefer Autumn weather all year long...

    Don't feel bad about using disposables, do what is right for you. Using them for a short amount of time like when you are sick or wet weather is perfectly okay :) Come Spring and Summer you will be able to ease off again. Spring is only 2 months away...


    1. I'm counting down the days till spring lol love warm sunny weather with nice brisk mornings :)
